
I got busy and got out of the habit of writing each night.

Time changed over the weekend and I guess now is the time to start anew.

I have been taking lots of photos and using Photoshop Elements 6 to alter them.

Ooooh-Whee !   Is it fun!

41Here is a photo I took of an old truck out in front of a house in the country that had an open studio tour last month.

I played with the green tones.

Her art was great – but not in my budget.

Wish that it was.

Here is a her website:   http://www.clarecarver.com/

Anyway – I liked her truck!

43I like her truck in lavender tones, too!

Here is a photo I took of my kid who was dressed as a mummy for Halloween.

38Again, I altered the colors and such and I am in love with this picture.

To me, it looks like the kid is walking through an apocalypse , when in reality  – it was he driveway of a suburban that was totally  decked out for Halloween.

It is fall and the leaves outside my office are so stunning this year!


Neato, eh?


It is hard to stop playing with these photos!



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